working with an ai coding assistant

May 28, 2024

log entry 2: working with claude


  1. decided to enlist an ai assistant to help with coding and blogging
  2. chose Claude
  3. explained my goals and how i want to work together

why Claude?

  • capable of helping with coding tasks across languages
  • can explain concepts and break things down clearly
  • assists with writing in a structured way

how we work:

  • i outline the task or topic i need help with
  • Claude provides examples, drafts, and suggestions
  • we go back-and-forth refining and clarifying

benefits so far:

  • Claude's explanations help solidify my understanding
  • get higher quality writing by collaborating
  • stays focused on the task at hand

future uses:

  • debugging code and working through errors
  • learning new languages/frameworks
  • drafting more technical tutorial posts


  • important to give clear context and guidelines
  • ai assistants aren't magic, but a powerful tool